Formula One has announced that they will be partnering with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to house their race data and infrastructure. Formula one will be transferring more than 65 years of race data into AWS and the cloud based databases that they offer. Using machine learning offered by AWS, Formula One will be transferring data with Amazon Sagemaker, a machine learning device to analyze historical race data. This will enable the series to extract key performance statistics to make race predictions and offer fans a greater insight into decisions and strategies used by teams and drivers. “For our needs, AWS outperforms all other cloud providers, in speed, scalability, reliability, global reach, partner community, and breadth and depth of cloud services available,” said Pete Samara, director of innovation and digital technology at Formula One. Giving the racing organization insight into data and performance metrics like never before seen in Formula One.

New Year New Cloud: See whats new in the cloud space this year
Cloud Computing is expanding more than ever. With so many services and applications from cloud juggernauts like Amazon Web Services to new cloud up comers